Audubon - Grassroots Carbon

Introducing new income opportunities for stewards of bird-friendly lands

Photo: Evan Barrientos, Audubon Rockies.
Photo: Eastern Meadowlark. Mary Ellen Cross, Audubon Photography Awards.

Rewarding bird-friendly, regenerative land management practices  

Audubon Conservation Ranching, a wildlife habitat program of the National Audubon Society, and Grassroots Carbon have created a new partnership to provide landowners with new income opportunities for implementing regenerative land management practices that improve bird habitats while building soil health through grassland restoration.

We are excited to partner with Audubon Conservation Ranching in this groundbreaking initiative. By incentivizing regenerative land management practices, we are not only enhancing soil health and increasing carbon storage but also creating thriving habitats for grassland birds.

Brad Tipper
CEO of Grassroots Carbon

Just like birds are an indicator of ecosystem health, the Audubon bird-friendly certification is an increasingly valuable regenerative indicator. This collaboration will reward ranchers for their efforts in creating and maintaining healthy habitats, and incentivize new ranchers interested in building businesses based biodiversity.

Chris Wilson
Director, Audubon Conservation Ranching

Learn More

Are you a current or prospective Audubon Certified Bird-Friendly rancher in the U.S.? You might be eligible to start selling the carbon stored in your healthy soil. Start by telling us more about your ranch.

Carbon Credits for Ranchers: Meet the regenerative ranchers who earn income for healthy soil